3 min read

Pafolios Digest #00 — Welcome and Highlights of 2023 —

My name is Trong, and I’m the creator of Pafolios.

Thank you for subscribing and submitting your portfolios to Pafolios.

Your subscriptions and submissions are meaningful to me, and you couldn’t know how happy I am when seeing more and more people finding Pafolios useful.

I created it back in 2020 when I wanted to move to Singapore (from Vietnam) and applied for a new design job.

I spent a lot of time researching. That process was painful for me. But when I found the right inspirations, things got easier.

I spent all my free time finding inspiring portfolios and good case studies, then bookmarked everything to my list. Then I learned from it and built my portfolio.

And I see many people face the same problem.

That’s why I think it will be good to have one place for other designers to look at inspiring portfolios from great designers around the world.

And when you build a portfolio, you will have one place to do the research and get inspiration.

Now, I’m super happy to see people found this small project useful and more people.

And the sharing from design influencers like Nick Babich, Adham Dannaway is something I’ve never imagined.

While being happy when Pafolios went viral, I’m also overwhelmed with the amount of portfolio submissions.

I’m trying to review them and feature them on Pafolios as soon as possible.

So, if you submitted your site, please stay tuned. I’m reviewing it, and for sure, you will get replies regardless of the result of the review.

While I’m still planning the content for Pafolios Newsletter for 2024, it’s worth looking back at 2023 to see the best portfolios in Pafolios.

The Best Portfolios in 2023 on Pafolios

1 — Karina Sirqueira

2 — Jovina Rahardjo

3 — Perry Wang

4 — Gabriel Valdivia

5 — Ryan Mulligan

6 — Rishikesh Nighot

7 — Yann Edern Gillet

8 — Rauno Freiberg

9 — Traf

10 — Michele de Vita

11 — Victor Vorontsov

12 — Ivan Olenkevich

That’s a wrap for the first issue of Pafolios Newsletter.

I’m taking Pafolios Newsletter seriously in 2024.

So reply and share with me what you want to see in Pafolios.

Your advice is invaluable.

Thank you and have a great week.

Yours truly,

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