2 min read

Pafolios Digest #01 — Sandy, Salman and 23 new portfolios


I’m Trong, and this is the Pafolios.com newsletter, where I share recently featured portfolios on Pafolios, resources for building portfolios, career advice, and more.

This month’s issue covers a few things:

  • Best portfolios of the month
  • Recently featured portfolios
  • How we choose portfolios to feature on Pafolios

Best portfolios of the month

1 — Sandy Galabada

2 — Priyank Shah

3 — Salman G Samar

4 — Alessandro Giammaria

Honor mentions

6 — Kirill Zakharov

7 — Angel Sanchez

8 — Diegovz

Other new portfolios

8 — Abdul Wahab

9 — Ana Lobo

10 — Dan Phan Nguyen

11 — Somil Jain

12 — Sarah Ann

13 — Ishan Sharma

14 — Mikael Harley Persson

15 — Kori Skeffington

16 — Eduard Hambardzumyan

17 — Jusley Smaly

18 — Tanvir

19 — Ivo UI Flip

20 — Garron Engstrom

21 — Rishad

22 — Design Infinity

23 — James Alonso

Five principles we use to feature portfolios

Many of you have submitted your portfolios. Some got featured, some got rejected.

This is a good time for me to share with you the principles that we use to select portfolios to feature on the site.

1. Aesthetically pleasing

Ensure your portfolio has visually stunning designs and layouts that captivate the audience.

2. Case studies included

Share your design journey. Walk us through your projects with concise case studies that highlight challenges, solutions, and impact.

3. No sub-domain

Keep it pro. Choose a custom domain instead of sub-domains like yourname.framer.com to show a polished image.

4. More personality, higher chance

Let your uniqueness shine. Inject personality into your portfolio — share insights, side projects, or anything that makes you, well, you!

5. Fast loading time

Speed matters. Ensure your portfolio loads like lightning for a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.

So if accepted, your website will be published in Pafolios and additionally posted on Twitter and featured in the newsletter.

I cannot accept every submission. Don’t be disappointed; please try again with your next project.

It might take 1-2 weeks (or longer) for me to review your website, due to the high volume of submissions.

Have a good week ahead.

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